Gooey: Soft & Sticky (DA259 [2] 0607)


Code of conduct

Assignment description



Week 1

  • Introduction to GUI and Overview of the history attachment:GooeyHistory.pdf

  • Introduction to GUI design process
  • Form 5 teams.
  • Every team starts reading a book on GUI. You may share the chapters inside your team. In the following 3 meetings, each team presents 3 "golden tips" learned from the book, and each tip should come with 2 examples that are not from the book.
  • Every team takes one of the following tasks. You are supposed to complete the task in 4 weeks. In the last meeting, every team should present the results.
    1. Find two extreme examples of web designs of the same kind, that the team likes most and hates most. Redesign the worst example. Presents the results.
    2. Compare two OS GUIs (for example MAC OS X, KDE, GNOME, and Windows Desktop). Redesigns one of them for a target user group of the team's choice. Presents the results.
    3. Design a GUI for an awareness system. You have to start from requirement analysis and the final design should meet the requirements. See attachment:GUI4Awareness.pdf for a short introduction.

Week 2

  • 3 "golden tips" and 6 examples from each team. 15 minutes for each team. (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion)
  • If we have got extra time, we will watch this attachment:commercial.wmv together and discuss about it.

Week 3

  • 3 "golden tips" and 6 examples from each team. 15 minutes for each team. (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion)

Week 4

  • 3 "golden tips" and 6 examples from each team. 15 minutes for each team. (10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion)

Week 5

  • Final presentations (results of the team task)
  • Q&A session

  • Feedback session
  • Individual report (no more than 2-page A4 in 10-point typeface) on
    • what has been learned;
    • feedback on the assignment: complaints, comments and suggestions
  • Final report delivered it by next Tuesday, 5:00pm