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= Golden Ratio =
The Options For Significant Criteria For herbal vaporizer<<BR>>
My name: Carrie Mulley<<BR>>
Age: 18 years old<<BR>>
Country: Austria<<BR>>
City: Dunkenedt <<BR>>
Postal code: 4722<<BR>>
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 29<<BR>>
It has always seemed to be the right choice for people around to go with natural remedy and one of them is herbal vaporizers. If you genuinely don't want to own a vaporizer then there are very few reasons why you should not, however, there are so many reasons why a vaporizer is going to help you get the best benefits out of your life.
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== Learning objectives ==
Your competency area 10 (D) Descriptive and Mathematical Modeling will make a quantum leap and you have an opportunity to create aesthetic qualities to be proud of.

== Learning activities ==
Golden Ratio refers to the number 1.618033989... used by architects, painters and designers for centuries. It occurs frequently in what nature has designed for us. In an early version of our module we studied these phenomena, see for example the beautiful movie


At present we are ready to move much further than a simple ratio and explore relations between beauty and geometry, between aesthetics and mathematics. In this module we create patterns and symmetries, very much like Esher did. But we shall avail ourselves of powerful tools such as matrix algebra and Processing libraries for Turtle Graphics, Vectors and Mesh diagrams, next to the Speedy 300 laser cutter at HG 2.63. What we can achieve with such tools applied to colored plastic such as

[[attachment:kersteman.jpg|{{attachment:kerstemanthumb.jpg|attachment:kersteman.jpg}}]] and [[attachment:mattheijssen2.jpg|{{attachment:mattheijssen2nthumb.jpg|attachment:mattheijssen2.jpg}}]]

and at the small exhibition at HG 3.42- HG 3.46.

But if you want, we could go further, perhaps explore fractals, cell structures, or connect to fashion, see for example




Professor Loe Feijs and Dr. Jun Hu will be your guide.

== Schedule ==
 * Ongoing
  * [[/201311]]
 * Completed
  * [[/201209]]
  * [[/201205]]

== List of available reference and background materials ==
 * Website: Official M.C.Escher website, http://www.mcescher.com/
 * Book: Heesch und Kienzle, Flachenschluss,Springer-Verlag, 1963, http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/l.m.g.feijs/flachenschluss.pdf
 * Book: Fejes Toth, Regular Figures, Pergamon Press 1964, http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/l.m.g.feijs/regular-figures.pdf
 * Software: Processing http://processing.org/
 * Tutorial: The golden ratio course, Bartneck and Feijs, TU/e 2008, http://www.bartneck.de/2008/05/21/the-golden-ratio-course/
 * Paper: Bartneck & Feijs, Teaching geometry to design students, http://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/uncategorized/bartneck-2009-htm/
 * Oogway library for turtle graphics

   You can download a zip that includes everything: https://github.com/mrhujun/nl.tue.id.oogway/zipball/master. In this zip file there are two directories:
    * `nl.tue.id.oogway`: java code to build the oogway.jar for processing
    * `nl.tue.id.tesselation.examples`: using Oogway for tessellation, including TTTT, CGG, CCC. In this directory you can find the oogway.jar in "libraries". You can copy everything in the directory `nl.tue.id.tesselation.examples` to your processing sketchbook location.

   The documentation is here: https://github.com/mrhujun/nl.tue.id.oogway/wiki/Oogway-Documentation
 * using the laser cutter
  * If you are exporting illustrator drawings for Speedy 300 laser cutter, please follow the instructions (thanks to Christoph Bartneck): http://www.bartneck.de/2008/05/28/preparing-illustrator-drawings-for-the-laser-cutter/
  * Preparing the PDF generated in Processing for the laser cutter is much easier, you could start reading the above instructions from the point of "CREATE A NEW COREL DRAW DOCUMENT". Or by following the instructions Pdf2Speady300 (which is actually a modified copy of Christoph's version).

== Information lecturers ==
'''Loe Feijs''' is professor Industrial Design of Embedded Systems. He studied electrical engineering and holds a Ph.D in computer science. He worked in telecommunication research (CSELT), telecommunication industry (PTI), in software research (Philips Nat Lab), in embedded systems (EESI), and in industrial design (TU/e). He was the director of the Eindhoven embedded systems institute. He has been vice-dean of ID from 2001 to 2006 with the responsibility of building-up ID research at TU/e. He (co-)authored several books on formal specifications and created mathematical theories of modular software design, such as lp calculus and relation partition algebra (RPA). Loe Feijs also likes hands-on work, witnessed by his 4D-sketching, Mondrian software and the assignment Timing Circuits.

'''Jun Hu'''is currently an Associate Professor in Design Research on Social Computing at Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), an Adjunct Professor at School of Digital Media, Jiangnan University. He is currently the co-chair of the working group “Art and Entertainment” of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) TC14 (Technical Committee on Entertainment Computing). He is the coordinator of the TU/e DESIS Lab in the DESIS network (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability). He serves the editorial boards for several international journals. He has more than 100 peer reviewed publications in conferences and journals in the field of HCI, industrial design, computer science and design education. Dr. Jun Hu has a PhD in Industrial Design and a Professional Doctorate in User-system Interaction, both from TU/e. He has also a B.Sc in Mathematics and an M.Eng in Computer Science. He is a System Analyst and a Senior Programmer with the qualifications from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. From 2006 to 2007 he served as the Secretary-General for The Association of Chinese Scholars and Engineers in the Netherlands (VCWI) and from 2008 to 2009 as the Chairman. He has been a vice-chairman of Center for Chinese Professionals in the Netherlands (CCPN) since 2009.

== Something Interesting ==
''[[http://designmind.frogdesign.com/blog/the-golden-ratio-otherwise-known-as-feng-shui.html|The Golden Ratio Otherwise Known as Feng Shui]]'' by Mario van der Meulen, shared by [[http://xmflsct.com|Zhiyuan Zheng]]

== Material suppliers ==
''[[http://www.kubra.nl/|Kubra kunststoffen Nuenen]]''

''[[http://www.planoplastics.nl/|Plano Plastics Eindhoven]]''

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 http://media2.picsearch.com/is?Pgh1FTv7qXbsdd9o6J6RbRXG1QOwAtdMUMTVUPZ9FAo&height=238 One recent study found that smokers who participated in the 5000 meeting of herbal sprays, which are assigned to eliminate cravings.

The Options For Significant Criteria For herbal vaporizer
My name: Carrie Mulley
Age: 18 years old
Country: Austria
City: Dunkenedt
Postal code: 4722
Address: Bahnhofstrasse 29
It has always seemed to be the right choice for people around to go with natural remedy and one of them is herbal vaporizers. If you genuinely don't want to own a vaporizer then there are very few reasons why you should not, however, there are so many reasons why a vaporizer is going to help you get the best benefits out of your life.

GoldenRatio: FrontPage (last edited 2017-11-13 12:25:36 by wiki)