
Philip Ross & Jun Hu

March 2009

Workshop material

Software Installation & Configuration


Follow the installation instructions came with the software.

When later we try to load Java externals, Max might complain about QuickTime not being installed. So if you don't hate Apple that much, install QuickTime.


To make use of Max quickie (an integrated Java editing and compiling tool within Max), you have to install JDK for its Java compiler. Since in this workshop we are going to use Eclipse for programming Java, JDK is not necessary.

No matter which one to be installed, run the installer and simply follow the instructions.


To synchronize what we are going to point to and what we are talking about, please install Eclipse and JOONE in C:\Programs. ( /!\ Note, not C:\Program Files --- it has a good reason to do so.)

Extract the downloaded ZIP file to C:\Programs so that eclipse.exe is in C:\Programs\eclipse. Create a shortcut to C:\Programs\eclipse\eclipse.exe on your desktop: Go to C:\Programs\eclipse, right click on eclipse.exe, select Send to and then Desktop(create shortcut).


Download the GUI editor.

If you are using Windows XP, download the version for Windows (Without JVM).

If you are using Windows Vista or Mac, download the version for All Platfs (Without JVM).

After installed Eclipse and JOONE, check again to see whether they are at right places: EclipseJOONE.png