Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2012-09-11 23:36:23
Size: 2259
Editor: JunHu
Revision 12 as of 2013-09-08 20:11:44
Size: 103
Editor: 82-170-197-110
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== What is needed for this workshop ==
 * [[http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp|Java SE Development Kit (JDK)]].
 * [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse IDE for Java Developers]]
 * [[http://lejos.sourceforge.net/nxj.php|LEJOS NXJ]]
  * [[http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/support/files/Driver.aspx|Fantom driver]]
== Ongoing ==
 * [[/1309]]
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== Tutorials ==
 * http://lejos.sourceforge.net/nxt/nxj/tutorial/index.htm
  * http://lejos.sourceforge.net/nxt/nxj/tutorial/Preliminaries/UsingEclipse.htm
== Done ==
 * [[/1209]]
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= Neural Network in Java =
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== What is needed for this workshop ==

 * [[http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp|Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java SE Development Kit (JDK)]].<<BR>> For this workshop, JRE is enough. But you might want to install JDK in order to use an integrated Java editing and compiling tool within Max.
 * [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse IDE for Java Developers]]
 * [[http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/|Neuroph: lightweight Java neural network framework]]

=== Examples ===
 * [[attachment:NeurophProject.zip]]
 * [[attachment:NextNeuroph.zip]]

=== References ===
 * [[http://www.heatonresearch.com/articles/series/1|Introduction to Neural Networks with Java]], online book. It talks about JOONE, an outdated Java Neural Network Engine. But the basics are the same, for example:
  * [[http://www.heatonresearch.com/articles/2/page2.html|about the structure of a neural network]]
 * [[http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/tutorials/Perceptron.html|Tutorial: Perceptron]]
 * [[http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/tutorials/MultiLayerPerceptron.html|Tutorial: MultiLayerPerceptron]]
 * [[http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/documentation.html|More about Neuroph]]
 * Neural network in practice:
  * [[http://www.drhu.eu/publications/2008-LNCS-IntegratingGestureRecognitionInAirplaneSeatsForInFlightEntertainment/index.html|Integrating gesture recognition in airplane seats for in-flight entertainment]], by Rick Westelaken, Jun Hu, Hao Liu, Matthias Rauterberg.
  * [[http://www.drhu.eu/2007/11/pattern-recognition-lego/|Pattern Recognition LEGO]]
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== Similar workshops ==
 * [[http://wiki.id.tue.nl/creapro/MaxJavaArduino|Max + Java + Arduino]]
 * [[LegoBeyondToys/2007|Java + Lego]]

LEJOS: Java for LEGO Mindstorms



JunHu: LegoBeyondToys (last edited 2013-09-08 20:45:13 by 82-170-197-110)