== Glossary 1.8 == === popup description not using template fonts === In /mambots/content/glossarbot.php, after {{{ function makeLink (&$entry, &$parm, $defaultHTML) { $orgTerm = $entry['term']; $desc = $entry['desc']; }}} add {{{ $desc = '
'; }}} to wrap the description with `div` tags such that the template font can be used. === GlossarBot 1.9 with IE === It appears that the error is in line 16-19 in the gloassarbot.php file: {{{ if (mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'task', '') != "edit") { //mosCommonHTML::loadOverlib(); echo overlibInitCall (); } }}} It appears that the script is checking to see if (I am guessing) I DO NOT have edit rights. The overlibInitCall (); is what chucks into the webpage the script code to pop up the text. SOLUTION :: The mosCommonHTML::loadOverlib() is the portion that is commented out in the file. This line is what is needed for IE. Uncomment it out, things start working again. I have no clue if I broke something else yet. Tried posting new terms and it seems to be fine. === Ajax search === Alright, I find half an hour to dig into the “direct access ...” thing. It is a problem of direct access to /components/com_jd-wiki/lib/exe/ajax.php. To fix it, I just followed what Predator did in media.php. Replace {{{ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); }}} with: {{{ define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 ); include_once( '../../../../globals.php' ); require_once( '../../../../configuration.php' ); require_once( '../../../../includes/joomla.php' ); }}} and in function ajax_qsearch(), replace {{{ require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/components/com_jd-wiki/fulltext.php'); }}} with {{{ require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path.'/components/com_jd-wiki/inc/fulltext.php'); }}} Happily ever after :)