Call for Papers: IFIP-ICEC2023 Workshop on Aesthetics and Empowerment


About IFIP ICEC 2023

The 22nd International Federation for Information Processing – International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP-ICEC 2023) will be held in Bologna, Italy on 15-17 November. The conference is organized by the IFIP TC14 – Entertainment Computing Technical Committee, and will be hosted by the University of Bologna.

IFIP-ICEC is the longest lasting and prime scientific conference series in the area of Entertainment Computing. It brings together practitioners, researchers, artists, designers, and industry on the design, creation, development, use, application and evaluation of digital entertainment content and experience systems. This event covers a diverse array of related research issues, including interactive art, game-based learning, XR technologies and ethical considerations associated with entertainment.

This year, we plan to host a workshop online with co-locations in Bologna (Italy) and Ningbo (China), on the topic “Aesthetics and Empowerment”. Workshop participants are invited to submit a full research paper for a peer-review process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings as a book in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, indexed by EI and Scopus.

Workshop Aesthetics and Empowerment

Aesthetics in design are known to be empowering in terms of various perspectives in one’s life. This workshop aims to explore innovative approaches, methodologies, and technologies that can further enhance the role of aesthetics in empowering individuals in the digital age. By delving into the relationship between aesthetics and empowerment, we seek to foster discussions and collaborations among researchers, practitioners, designers, artists, and industry professionals. This workshop will provide a platform for sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and exploring new and emerging trends in this exciting area.

To effectively implement prior approaches and fully leverage the value that aesthetics bring to empowerment, research papers on (but are not limited to) the following topics are of mutual interest to this workshop:

Call for Submission

Authors can submit their manuscripts online through the EasyChair conference submission system ( Please select the "Aesthetics and Empowerment Workshop" track when submitting.

All submissions should be written in English, and should be anonymized. Submissions should contain sufficient detail, including key concepts and innovations of the completed work, and be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format ( Submissions should be no more than eight pages, excluding references and appendices, and accepted papers will be invited to share live on the day of the workshop. The best paper selected for the conference will be invited to submit an expanded version to a special issue of Entertainment Computing, published by Elsevier.

Important Dates


This is an event of the IFIP TC14 working group Art and Entertainment (, organized by researchers from the International School of Design, Ningbo Research Institute, Zhejiang University, Ningbo; School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University; TU/e DESIS Lab, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology.


This event is supported by: Ningbo Research Institute, Zhejiang University, Ningbo; China Institute of Eco-design Industry; Computer Aided Product Innovation and Design Engineering Center (Ministry of Education); World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC).

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JunHu: ICEC2023_AestheticsAndEmpowerment (last edited 2023-06-18 12:28:03 by JunHu)