Future workshop


In this project you will develop a visionary perspective with and for our external project partners in industry, government or NGOs. Starting from their current position in a changing world, you explore the power of design to facilitate and trigger innovation for and with this partner: from today to tomorrow.

Main competency development targeted in:


Targeted blocks

B1; B2; B3.2; M1.1; M1.2.


Lucian Reindl, Caroline Hummels, Joep Frense, Sander Mulder

Possible Clients

Festo, Harting, Ondal (industrial clients) City of Eindhoven, Eersel & Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, Necker van Naem, Diabetes Vereniging Nederland


Since the technological possibilities as well as the complexity of designing (intelligent) systems, products and services has increased rapidly the last decade, the need for collaboration among the different cross-disciplinary stakeholders is becoming paramount (Hummels*, 2012; Gardien et al., submitted). These stakeholders, experts in their own field, may come from academia, governmental bodies, (non)profit organisations and societal bodies as well as from SME and industrial partners. In this project you take on the challenge of one of these industrial, societal and governmental partners and develop for and with them a vision for future. This way you are connected to the "reality" of industry and industrial conditions, to government and governmental conditions, or to societal multi-stakeholders and their conditions, while sketching possible futures.

Design challenges or research questions

Develop and/or research a visionary perspective for our external project partners. The project has three tracks, of which you will address one:

Industrial track

This track starts with the industrial context and conditions of small global players who are highly specialised and leaders in their markets. How to design for the future - a product / service / system - starting from the current products, structures, workflow and development of an existing company? You will address several topics, such as:

Targeted clients are for example:

Governmental track

This track is part of the Dreaming Democracies programme. In this project you develop together with the council (B&W) and board of the city of Eindhoven, Eersel and/or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, methods, tools and environments to support new democratic forms of structuring and collaboration that contribute to the improved alignment of governance, politics and society. So, on a practical level, how can your design support people in this setting towards new ways of working and collaborating? This project is run together with the research and advise company Necker van Naem (http://www.necker.nl/), and is based on previous workshops with Eindhoven, Eersel and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. See for examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d67pshvSy5g&feature=youtu.be https://vimeo.com/60816721

Societal track

This track is connected to the Smart Environment theme within the TU/e strategic Area Health (Hummels**, 2012), focusing on the question: How can we support people to take responsibility for and be satisfied about their health and way of living, and support this by designing an environment, including the built environment, systems, products, services and processes, that promote and support this responsibility, satisfaction, wellbeing and health. This question is not addressed on an individual level, but on an integrative level connecting all the different players (person, family and friends, care providers, governmental parties, insurance companies etc.). This project can run together with different players, e.g. the Diates Vereniging Nederland, City of Den Bosch and MedicInfo. For this track you make use of the Experiential Design Landscape method (Peeters et al., to appear), which deploys Experiential Probes, i.e open, sensor-equipped ‘propositions for change’ allowing and facilitating new and emergent behavior. By allowing people to use these propositions in their everyday life, the RtD team explores emergent behaviour and involves people into the research about and development of new systems, products and services.


[1] Gardien, P., Djajadiningrat, T., Hummels, C. and Brombacher, A. (submitted). Innovation paradigms: how design needs to evolve to deliver value. International Journal of Design.

[2] Hummels*, C. (2012). Matter of transformation: sculpting a valuable tomorrow. Inaugural lecture, September 28, 2012. Eindhoven University of Technology. Download available at: http://dqi.id.tue.nl/docs/Inaugural_Lecture-Caroline_Hummels-2012.pdf

[3] Hummels**, C. (2012). Towards empowerment for wellbeing and healthy living. A white paper for Smart Environment, Health@TU/e. Internal document Eindhoven University of Technology.

[4] Peeters, M. and Megens, C. (to appear). Experiential Design Landscapes: Design for social wellbeing. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology.

OoC: projects/FutureWorkshop (last edited 2013-05-15 09:22:34 by anewhope)