Demo Day "Out of Control"

Friday 18th October 2013

Vision of Demo Day Team:

The Demo Day Team has developed the following vision: the Demo Day of "Out of Control" enables students to gather

unanticipated feedback on an experience of approx. 2 minutes they provide.

Feedback fuels their reflection on their current project work and enables the student to direct their own learning. We acknowledge the limitation of the Demo Day: most experiences will not be in their envisioned context which limits the experience.

Participants providing feedback can benchmark their own work and/or can get inspiration.


An issue we touch upon in the issue is the problem of raising expert questions without having domain knowledge. We reason that students (should) have collected feedback from clients, experts and other stakeholders already in the weeks before the Demo Day. Phrased differently, the student has already done effort to phrase expert questions on the verge of their domain knowledge. The Demo Day then is a way to maximize the chance of unanticipated perspectives a.o. expert feedback that is valuable for the student.

In terms of Vygotsky's learning theory, the Demo Day serves as a 'Zone of Proximal Development' where the 'More Knowledgeable Other' is likely to be met and where guidance can be given in context. In terms of Lave's learning theory, students and other visitors reaffirm their belonging to the 'Community of Practice of designers in a technical university'.

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