Mechanical Design

Introductory book

A very good introductory book about Mechanical Design for Industrial Designers is:

It can be bought at Lucid or lended from the university library.

Mechanical Design presentation

The presentation I give using this book can be found here: Elements.pdf

Other good books are:

Rosielle's dictaat and Koster's book are about the principles of Mechanical Design. Both are very good. The first one is much cheaper.

Dubbel is the "bible" of Mechanical Design, Engineering and Manufacturing. It is called a pocket book but it is so complete it does not fit in your pocket anymore.

The book of Leijendeckers is a small book covering a lot of things of engineering in general.

The book of Nigel Cross covers the more general topics about design methodologies. As an Industrial Designer you will recognize a lot of these methodologies.
