Creative Programming and Embedded Systems 2017

(c) 2017 Jun Hu

In the module Creative Programming and Embedded System we will learn how to make experiential prototypes with visuals, sensors, actuators and computation. The module consists of lectures that covers topics such as structural programming, object oriented programming, GUI, computer vision, 2D and 3D graphics, micro-controllers, serial communication, networking and internet of things. Students are challenged to deliver a static art work in Processing, and an interactive prototype using both Processing and Arduino. The module takes 2 weeks, in which 30% of the time is used for lectures, and the rest for students to work on the challenges.

1. Schedule


2. Part 1: Processing Basics

2.1. Challenge



2.2. Skills needed to meet the challenge

2.3. Extra reading

3. Part 2: Processing Advanced

3.1. Challenge

3.2. Skills needed to meet the challenge

3.3. Extra reading

4. Part 3: Introducing Arduino

4.1. Challenge

4.2. Skills needed to meet the challenge

4.3. Extra reading

5. Part 4: Advanced topics

5.1. Challenge

5.2. Skills needed to meet the challenge

6. References

  • Processing

  • Arduino

  • Books
  • Getting Started with Processing, by Casey Reas and Ben Fry. Published June 2010, O'Reilly Media. 208 pages. Paperback. GSProcessing.pdf

  • Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction, by Daniel Shiffman. Published August 2008, Morgan Kaufmann. 450 pages. Paperback.

  • Getting Started with Arduino, by Massimo Banzi, Publisher: O'Reilly Media / Make, Released: December 2008 GSArduino.pdf

  • Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects, by Tom Igoe, Publisher: O'Reilly Media / Make, Released: September 2007