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=== AdMoVeo ===

=== Actuators ===

==== Motors ====

=== Sensors ===

=== Input event handling ===

  • /!\ This page is under construction. Before it is completed, Please refer to the javadoc for the time being.

1. AdMoVeo in Processing

1.1. AdMoVeo

1.2. Actuators

1.2.1. Motors

1.3. Sensors

1.4. Input event handling

1.5. Example

   1 import processing.serial.*;
   2 import nl.tue.id.creapro.admoveo.*;
   4 AdMoVeo admoveo;
   5 int bgcolor = 255;
   7 void setup()
   8 {
   9   admoveo = new AdMoVeo(this, "COM11"); 
  10   admoveo.getLeftDistanceSensor().enable();
  11 }
  13 void draw()
  14 {
  15   background(0,0,bgcolor);
  16 }
  18 void inputAvailable(Sensor sensor, int oldValue, int newValue){
  19         if(sensor == admoveo.getLeftDistanceSensor()){
  20         bgcolor = newValue/4;
  21         admoveo.getBlueLed().setPower(bgcolor);
  22     }
  23 }

CreaPro: AdMoVeoInProcessing (last edited 2008-11-24 12:17:39 by JunHu)